Why this Template?

So, why would one opt for this Template, instead of the many ones available online?

It is easy to use, allowing the generation of a completely fresh new Python Package Project, though a cli.

You can immediately have a ci infrastructure and multiple platform-agnostic shell commands working out-of-the-box, so you can focus on developing your business logic and your test cases

  • It allows scaffolding new projects with a Test Suite included, designed to run Test Cases in parallel (across multiple cpu’s) for speed.

  • New Projects come with a CI pipeline, that triggers every time code is pushed on the remote.

  • The pipeline hosts a Test Workflow (on Github Actions), designed to stress-test your package on multiple environments: Each environment differs from the others in terms of the combined python versions operating system and package installation methods

Apart from the above motivation, cookiecutter is a well established templating tool, that uses the robust jinja2 templating engine.