Welcome to Cookiecutter Python Package documentation!

Cookiecutter Python Package

Python Package (pypi) Cookiecutter, with emphasis on CI/CD and automation.

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  1. Fresh Python Package Project Generation, “packaged” with a Test Suite and a CI Pipeline (see Quickstart)

  2. Python Package Template (source code at src/cookiecutter_python/) implemented as a Cookiecutter

  3. Tested on python versions 3.6, 2.7, 3.8, 3.9 and 3.10, for both “Linux” and “MacOS” platforms (see Test Workflow on CI)

Auto Generated Sample Package Biskotaki

Check the Biskotaki Python Package Project, for a taste of the project structure and capabilities this Template can generate!

It it entirely generated using this Python Package Template:

Source Code hosted on Github at https://github.com/boromir674/biskotaki
Python Package hosted on pypi.org at https://pypi.org/project/biskotaki/
CI Pipeline hosted on Github Actions at https://github.com/boromir674/biskotaki/actions

Generated Python Package Features

  1. Test Suite, using pytest, located in `tests`_ dir

  2. Parallel Execution of Unit Tests, on multiple cpu’s

  3. Documentation Pages, hosted on readthedocs server, located in `docs`_ dir

  4. Automation, using tox, driven by single `tox.ini`_ file

    1. Code Coverage measuring

    2. Build Command, using the build python package

    3. Pypi Deploy Command, supporting upload to both pypi.org and test.pypi.org servers

    4. Type Check Command, using mypy

    5. Lint Check and Apply commands, using isort and black

  5. CI Pipeline, running on Github Actions, defined in `.github/`_

    1. Job Matrix, spanning different platform’s and python version’s

      1. Platforms: ubuntu-latest, macos-latest

      2. Python Interpreters: 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10

    2. Parallel Job execution, generated from the matrix, that runs the Test Suite



You need to have Cookiecutter installed. Check the Cookiecutter documentation pages for more on Cookiecutter.


Open a console/terminal and run:

git clone git@github.com:boromir674/cookiecutter-python-package.git
cookiecutter cookiecutter-python-package/src/cookiecutter_python

Now, you should have generated a new Project for a Python Package, based on the Template!

Just ‘enter’ (cd into) the newly created directory, ie cd <my-great-python-package>.

Develop your package’s Source Code (business logic) inside src/my_great_python_package dir :)
Develop your package’s Test Suite (ie unit-tests, integration tests) inside tests dir :-)

Try Running the Test Suite!


Read the Documentation’s Use Cases section for more on how to leverage your generated Python Package features.



Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS)



Currently, since the actual cookiecutter template does not reside on the root directory of the repository (but rather in src/cookiecutter_python), ‘cloning’ the repository locally is required at first.

This was demonstrated in the Quickstart section, as well.

For more complex use cases, you can modify the Template and also leverage all of cookiecutter’s features, according to your needs.

Indices and tables