Generate New Python Package Project

The most common way to generate a new Python Package Project (in the current working directory),
is to invoke the cookiecutter cli (while supplying the necessary initial information when prompted)
and provide this Template as input.

Open a console (ie terminal) and run:

# Get Template
git clone

# Install cookiecutter if you haven't
python -m pip3 install cookiecutter

# Generate a new Python Package Project locally
cookiecutter cookiecutter-python-package/src/cookiecutter_python


Cookiecutter Python Package is available directly as source code on github, but also being a Python Package Generator/Template,
available on pypi too.

Get Code from Github

git clone

Install PyPI package (in current environment)

python3 -m pip install cookiecutter-python

New Python Package Use Cases

Ready to enjoy some of your newly generated Python Package Project features available out-of-the-box!?

For instance:

  1. Leverage the supplied tox environments to automate various Testing and DevOps related activities.

    Assuming you have tox installed (example installation command: python3 -m pip install –user tox) and you have done a cd into the newly generated Project directory, you can do for example:

    1. Run the Test Suite against different combinations of Python versions (ie 3.7, 3.8) and different ways of installing (ie ‘dev’, ‘sdist’, ‘wheel’) the <my_great_python_package> package:

      tox -e "py{3.7, 3.8}-{dev, sdist, wheel}"
    2. Check the code for compliance with best practises of the Python packaging ecosystem (ie PyPI, pip), build sdist and wheel distributions and store them in the dist directory:

      tox -e check && tox -e build
    3. Deploy the package’s distributions in a pypi (index) server:

      1. Deploy to staging, using the test pypi (index) server at

        TWINE_USERNAME=username TWINE_PASSWORD=password PACKAGE_DIST_VERSION=1.0.0 tox -e deploy
      2. Deploy to production, using the production pypi (index) server at

        TWINE_USERNAME=username TWINE_PASSWORD=password PACKAGE_DIST_VERSION=1.0.0 PYPI_SERVER=pypi tox -e deploy


        Setting PYPI_SERVER=pypi indicates to deploy to (instead of


      Please modify the TWINE_USERNAME, TWINE_PASSWORD and PACKAGE_DIST_VERSION environment variables, accordingly.

      TWINE_USERNAME & TWINE_PASSWORD are used to authenticate (user credentials) with the targeted pypi server.

      PACKAGE_DIST_VERSION is used to avoid accidentally uploading distributions of different versions than intended.

  2. Leverage the CI Pipeline and its build matrix to run the Test Suite against a combination of different Platforms, different Python interpreter versions and different ways of installing the subject Python Package:

    Trigger the Test Workflow on the CI server, by pushing a git commit to a remote branch (ie master on github).

    Navigate to the CI Pipeline web interface (hosted on Github Actions) and inspect the build results!


    You might have already pushed, in case you answered yes, in the initialize_git_repo prompt, while generating the Python Package, and in that case, the Test Workflow should have already started running!

    Out-of-the-box, triggering the Test Workflow happens only when pushing to the master or dev branch.