Streamline Documentation Updates

  1. Branch of off main Branch, and checkout your topical branch (tb).

  2. Create Docs-only changes and commit them to your tb.

  3. Push git tag quick-release, to trigger the Docs Release Workflow, on the CI

A new PR, is expected to open from tb to a dedicated docs branch, and automatically merge if Docs Build passed on rtd CI.

Then, a new PR, is expected to open from dedicated docs branch to main, with extra commits with Sem Ver Bump, and Changelog updates.

  1. Wait for second PR to open, go to github web IU to review it, and merge it.

A new tag is expected to be created (on the new main/master commit), and a PyPI distribution will be uploaded, a new Docker Image on Dockerhub, and a new Github Release will be created.

Workflows References

  • quick-docs.yaml : Listens to quick-release git tag, and merges tb –> db, after opening PR.