=================================== Release Candidate / Test Deployment =================================== From your branch, run .. code-block:: bash rc_tag=$(grep -E -o '^version\s*=\s*\".*\"' pyproject.toml | cut -d'"' -f2) rc_tag="${rc_tag}-rc" git tag "$git_tag" || (git tag -d "$git_tag" && git tag "$git_tag") git push origin -d "$git_tag"; git push origin "$git_tag" This will, trigger the CI/CD Pipeline and instruct it to do a ``Test Deployment``. | Test Deployment is a full deployment of the package to the test environment. | And is the closest thing to a real (production) deployment. .. The CI/CD Pipeline will: .. 1. make wheel builds (and unit test them) for the package using a Job Matrix factoring OS x Py Versions .. 2. Do as normal measuring of Code Coverage, Static Code Analysis, Docker Build .. 3. Publish Python Wheel Distribution in Test Environment, at test.pypi.org The CI/CD Pipeline will: 1. make wheel builds (and unit test them) for the package using a Job Matrix factoring OS x Py Versions 2. Do as normal measuring of Code Coverage, Static Code Analysis, Docker Build 3. Publish Python Wheel Distribution in Test Environment, at test.pypi.org