===================== Software Architecture ===================== .. Description of what is this Page Here you can find the software architecture of the project. Module Dependencies =================== .. Description of what is this Section Here you can find the dependencies between the modules of the project. The dependencies are Visualized as a Graph, where Nodes are the modules and the Edges are python ``import`` statements. The dependencies are visualized, after running the following command: .. code-block:: bash tox -e pydeps First-party Dependencies ------------------------ .. Inner Python Imports SVG Graph .. image:: arch/deps_inner.svg :target: ../../_images/deps_inner.svg All Dependencies - A -------------------- .. "Boxed" [First-Party] with 3rd-party having 1 incoming edge to our Box .. image:: arch/deps_ktc-mcs_2.svg :target: ../../_images/deps_ktc-mcs_2.svg All Dependencies - B -------------------- .. "Boxed" [First-Party] with 3rd-party having all incoming edges to our Box .. image:: arch/deps_ktc.svg :target: ../../_images/deps_ktc.svg All Dependencies - C -------------------- .. First-Party with 3rd-party having all incoming edges to our individual Modules .. image:: arch/deps_all.svg :target: ../../_images/deps_all.svg