=================== Why this Generator? =================== *So, why choose this Python Package Generator?* Robust CLI ========== | You want an `easy-to-use`, `cross-platform` CLI. - It offers an **1-click** command, or option for an interactive `wizard` - **Tested** on **15 different setups**, across multiple `Platforms` and `Python Interpreters` - **OS**: {Ubuntu, MacOS, Windows} X **Python**: {3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11} - Built on established software, such as *cookiecutter* and *jinja2* "DevOps": aka Automations and CI/CD =================================== | You want to focus on your *business logic* and *test cases*, in new Python projects. - Scaffolded project is **one push** away from triggering its **CI/CD pipeline** on Github Actions. - **Continuous Deployment**, publishing at `pypi.org`, `Docker Hub`, and `Read The Docs` - Designed for **GitOps**, supporting various `automated developer activities` - **Automations** with same entrypoint for both **CI and Local** run, via `tox` - Stress-Testing, with **Job Matrix** spanning multiple `Python Interpreters`, `Operating Systems` Approved Tooling ================ | You want the best tools under your belt, for your development lifecycle. - `tox`, `poetry`, `ruff`, `mypy`, `pytest`, `black`, `isort`, `mkdocs`, `sphinx` Template Variant ================ You want `poetry`, but what if you want to develop a `pytest plugin`? - Generate `module`: a Python Distribution, with python API/sdk - configured with `poetry` backend - Generate `module+cli`: a Python Distribution, with a CLI and a python API/sdk - configured with `poetry` backend - Generate `pytest-plugin`: a Python Distribution, designed for a *pytest plugin* - configured with `setuptools` backend, as Required by `pytest`!